“Training a project manager would be extremely costly, because he doesn’t do the job for you, and you train him, and God forbid, if he decides to leave after six months.That’s why we said that we don’t even want to try to go this way. When I project this project manager’s salary, plus some training, minus my time, I’m in the red. APUtime definitely saved us a lot of time” says Jakub from NorthMoravans. 

At NorthMoravians, they turn customer ideas into reality. They are engaged in audiovisual production, photography, graphics, the printing of 3D products and promotional items, management of social networks and the production of signs, benches, baskets, etc. 

When they started, there were just two of them. But the number of orders started to skyrocket, which is why Jakub and Tomáš hired new partners. The new partners jumped on the bandwagon, but they didn’t have a system in place. 

We ran the company in a way that whatever was most on fire was put out sooner. Where the deadline was rapidly approaching, we concentrated and worked on the job at hand. As soon as we handed it over, we started extinguishing the second largest fire,” recalls Jakub Schramm, co-founder of NorthMoravians. 

They started to write individual tasks on the board, so that they could always see them, use shared documents, constantly call each other, and write.

Everything improved, and they seemed to be (as they say) getting away from that “punk” stage.

At first glance, the functioning system began to disintegrate with the arrival of new colleagues, who naturally had to fit in first.

The moment came when they began to hire a project manager to join the team. However, they would have to find someone who was familiar with this field, and it would certainly take some time before they trained him. They also counted on the time they would have to devote to him, and on the financial evaluation, which would burden the company in a certain way. 

So they looked for another solution and, by chance, came across an advert for APUtime on the Internet. 

We went to the website and tried the demo version. We knew right away that this was exactly what we needed,” Jakub describes the first encounter. 

Thanks to the Virtual Project Assistant, NorthMoravians divided projects into categories, and described the individual steps, from the initial meeting with the customer, to the final delivery of the finished product, including administration, such as invoices, etc. 

We try to standardize orders, so that we can cut them up like Baťa’s trainers,” adds Jakub, with a smile. 

They also focus on duplicability and substitutability. So that they do not always have to plan every project from scratch, and so that in the absence of one of the colleagues, someone else can continue the work that has already been started. 

How does he evaluate the current co-operation with artificial intelligence from APUtime? 

Training a project manager would be extremely costly, because he doesn’t do the job for you, and you train him, and God forbid, if he decides to leave after six months. That’s why we said that we don’t even want to try to go this way. When I project this project manager’s salary, plus some training, minus my time, I’m in the red. It definitely saved us a lot of time, because you set APUtime once, the process goes through some validation, you try it five times, you try it ten times, you gradually modify it, and then you get to the point where it is a full-fledged template, and then when the same type of order comes, you click and it starts the job, the whole chronology of tasks, and the team works, and that’s great,” says Jakub from NorthMoravans. 

So when will you join the APUtime family?