Martin Lonský, not only about the beginnings of APUtime, in the podcast “VYFÁRÁNO”. Martin Juřík about the situation behind the scenes of APUtime, and about everyday practice, in the podcast “How’s it going?”

We are both seen and heard. While Martin Lonský was a guest of Albert Čuba in the podcast “VYFÁRÁNO”, Martin Juřík debated with Jirka Kratochvíl in the podcast “How is it going?” 

Martin Lonský, not only about the beginnings of APUtime, in the podcast “VYFÁRÁNO”

“In the beginning, we were like a couple of guys who fell from Mars, with a product that does something that no one had ever seen before. 👀 And now to communicate it and sell it,” Martin of APUtime describes the beginnings from 2016. At the time, APUtime felt there was a big hole in the project management market, so they created a Virtual Project Assistant, based on artificial intelligence. Today, it helps manage teams all over the world. 🌍

Martin Juřík about the situation behind the scenes of APUtime, and about everyday practice, in the podcast “How’s it going?” 

“In one company, we have succeeded in reducing order delays from months to just days.

As a result, the company has increased its order volume by 30%,” says Martin from APUtime in the new podcast “How’s it going?” Why start digitizing? What bothers Czech companies most often? How do they view artificial intelligence?

Listen to the new podcast. ⤵️